If you think someone is at immediate risk of harm contact the Police by dialing 999
Within Kings Wood Benefice, our Benefice Safeguarding Officers are
07777 602677 [email protected]
07814 556103 [email protected]
For more advice and assistance, visit the Canterbury Diocese Safeguarding Office pages. This Office can be contacted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and there is information on safeguarding and links to helpful agencies which can provide assistance.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is
01227-459401 or 07548 232395 [email protected]
The Kent County Council can also provide advice and services in connection with safeguarding vulnerable individuals
Main contact: 03000 41 41 41
Adult social services & health: 03000 41 61 61 (day) – 03000 419191 (night)
Children & Families Information Service: 03000 41 23 23
Children’s social services: 03000 41 11 11